I went up to the Barrie Cyclocross race this past weekend. We headed up Saturday night, and stayed in a hotel. Went to the pool with the kids and enjoyed the evening. We were about 20 minutes from the course, so we arrived there with enough time to sign in, and warm-up. It was very cold - around 4-5 degrees and windy. I warmed up on the course- a flat course, with differing terrains, one hard off-camber, and one run-up (well for me, it was a run-up). I did a few laps warm-up, not feeling to great yet, but headed to the start line. Not a huge women's field, but a good women's field. We started, I got off to an okay start -- I was in a bit too big a gear, settled in around 4th or 5th... headed up to the barriers. The barriers were a bit of a disaster as there were 3 of us going over them at once. The rider ahead of me, came to a dead stop after the barriers to re-mount. I ended up continuing to run around her, and into the tape a bit to keep moving and re-mount my bike without losing the leaders. I remounted and caught up to 2nd place. I was feeling okay and getting used to the course, then the first place rider passed me. I wasn't sure, how she even got behind me but she made a bit of a wrong turn or something. Anyway, we all knew the course now, coming to the first offcamber turn, I didn't ride it too well and was passed. Came through the finish line, then closed the gap back up to second place. There was a group of 4 of us riding together for most of the race. Myself and one other rider were doing the work at the front. The last few laps, I was doing most of the work at the front. I was aware of this, and trying to play it smart with respect to that. Coming into the last lap, I thought I would try to push the pace and see if I could get a gap. I attacked through the barrier section and the power sections, got a small gap on the other riders and kept pushing the pace, yet riding the corners safe through the last lap. I ended up winning the master's womens race, and second overall for the women. Definitely happy with the day. After the race, warmed up in the car with the kids, cheered for my husband, got some hot beverages and hit the road home. We had a great weekend, although we were very sleep deprived due to the hotel with the kids- we are planning on going again next year.
Other notes of the week- CF clinic with the kids. A very long day, driving to Hamilton, getting prescriptions, see the team, waiting for the doctor, entertaining the children for 2.5 hours in a doctor's office.... Good news for my son, who is 4 and can now swallow his medications whole. He can swallow his enzymes before meals which is great, as we used to have to open them and sprinkle the capsule in applesauce. Being able to swallow 6 pills before meals is great!! I am proud of him.