Thursday, December 30, 2010
New Year's Eve Cross Race- UPDATE
Sunday, December 12, 2010
New Year's Eve Cyclocross Training Race
Start at 1 pm at Burgoyne woods park ( same as the cowbell race). Course will be flat and have some new features that are different from the cowbell race. The lap will be less technical than a true cross course but if there is snow then that will make up for it. I plan on staking and taping as much as possible but I do not have a lot of time so there will be some flags used to mark the straight a ways and no brainer areas. At this time I do not plan on doing any formal results but I will update the blog if this changes. The start is planned, as one start with a few waves. The waves will start slow to fast and possibly some draw prizes. We can get together at the cat’s caboose restaurant up the road after the event if there is enough interest. The focus on this event will be fun and course safety.
$15 entry or $10 for under 18
Also racers will need to have a license to race, as there will be no one day permits available.
If you plan on coming email me at row618 at If enough show interest then I’ll get a big tub of tim hortons or star bucks coffee for the day.
Directions from Toronto - to Burgoyne Woods Park, St. Catharines
Take QEW towards Niagara
At exit 49, take Ramp (RIGHT) onto HWY-406
Keep RIGHT onto Ramp Westchester Avenue
Bear RIGHT (West) onto Westchester Ave
Turn LEFT (South) onto Glenridge Ave
Turn LEFT (East) onto Edgedale Rd
Arrive Burgoyne Woods Park
From Peace Bridge, Fort Erie:
Take QEW towards Niagara
At exit 49, take Ramp (RIGHT) onto HWY-406
Keep RIGHT onto Ramp Westchester Avenue
Bear RIGHT (West) onto Westchester Ave
Turn LEFT (South) onto Glenridge Ave
Turn LEFT (East) onto Edgedale Rd
Arrive Burgoyne Woods Park
Saturday, December 11, 2010
New Year's Eve Cyclocross Race
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Barrie Cyclocross
I went up to the Barrie Cyclocross race this past weekend. We headed up Saturday night, and stayed in a hotel. Went to the pool with the kids and enjoyed the evening. We were about 20 minutes from the course, so we arrived there with enough time to sign in, and warm-up. It was very cold - around 4-5 degrees and windy. I warmed up on the course- a flat course, with differing terrains, one hard off-camber, and one run-up (well for me, it was a run-up). I did a few laps warm-up, not feeling to great yet, but headed to the start line. Not a huge women's field, but a good women's field. We started, I got off to an okay start -- I was in a bit too big a gear, settled in around 4th or 5th... headed up to the barriers. The barriers were a bit of a disaster as there were 3 of us going over them at once. The rider ahead of me, came to a dead stop after the barriers to re-mount. I ended up continuing to run around her, and into the tape a bit to keep moving and re-mount my bike without losing the leaders. I remounted and caught up to 2nd place. I was feeling okay and getting used to the course, then the first place rider passed me. I wasn't sure, how she even got behind me but she made a bit of a wrong turn or something. Anyway, we all knew the course now, coming to the first offcamber turn, I didn't ride it too well and was passed. Came through the finish line, then closed the gap back up to second place. There was a group of 4 of us riding together for most of the race. Myself and one other rider were doing the work at the front. The last few laps, I was doing most of the work at the front. I was aware of this, and trying to play it smart with respect to that. Coming into the last lap, I thought I would try to push the pace and see if I could get a gap. I attacked through the barrier section and the power sections, got a small gap on the other riders and kept pushing the pace, yet riding the corners safe through the last lap. I ended up winning the master's womens race, and second overall for the women. Definitely happy with the day. After the race, warmed up in the car with the kids, cheered for my husband, got some hot beverages and hit the road home. We had a great weekend, although we were very sleep deprived due to the hotel with the kids- we are planning on going again next year.
Other notes of the week- CF clinic with the kids. A very long day, driving to Hamilton, getting prescriptions, see the team, waiting for the doctor, entertaining the children for 2.5 hours in a doctor's office.... Good news for my son, who is 4 and can now swallow his medications whole. He can swallow his enzymes before meals which is great, as we used to have to open them and sprinkle the capsule in applesauce. Being able to swallow 6 pills before meals is great!! I am proud of him.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Week After ...
What a week after cyclcross nationals... I have been pretty tired, and with the time change definitely making training harder. I was thinking about ending my season a bit early, well I am glad I got a good ride in on Thursday and decided to race at Kissing Bridge Cyclocross race. I had raced this race last year, and won. I liked the course and it was similar this year. There was not as much mud this year, and the course was a bit different but not a whole lot. Anyway, I wasn't sure how I was feeling in warm-up riding the climb thinking ...uughhh. Got to the start line and lined up, I had a good start, took the whole shot and kept the pressure on from there. I felt good, and had a good rhythm of hard on the road section and the climb, recover on the downhill and the twisty stuff at the bottom. I opened up a gap on the women, and caught some of the masters men ahead of me and raced with them a bit, I would pass them on the climb, and then they would descend pretty fast to catch me. I was taking it easy on the downhill and there were a few potholes that I didn't want to hit, and wanted to ride smart and not crash taking a risk like that. I won for the women, I am happy about that. It is always nice to win a race.
The men's race was next, Nathan ended up with 2 flats, trips to the pit and coming from behind. He ended up 5th. I was running my bike over to the pit to get a rear wheel off, and thanks to the guys who were working the pits. It was a nice day and a good event.
Cyclocross Nationals
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Kelso Cross and Hillbilly Hustle

A few weekends ago, I raced the Sunday race of the Kelso weekend. I couldn't make it up for the Saturday race due to activities with the kids. Got to the Kelso race.... it was mud, mud and mud. Did one lap warm-up on the course, then the rest of the road, as I didn't want to get my bike totally full of mud. Felt alright, nothing spectacular. Lined up at the start-line, good start, and first lap. I was riding with the leader, for the first lap. We started the climb up the hill on the second lap and rode through the grass section at the top. Rode into some of the mud sections, after the second climb. Going into one of the muddy sections, the leader crashed. I got around her and was leading until this tough 180 degree turn where I slid out. I was a bit slow getting going, as I realized that my seat was loose. 1st place and 2nd place rode by, and I was still trying to figure out what to do with my seat. I got back on my bike, and rode it for another lap. Then I decided to switch bikes, and use my spare bike. I got settled back in for the last lap, and finished in 3rd place. Got a 6 pack of beer for a prize....that is a good prize!!
Went to Hillbilly Hustle on October 31, went up the night before and stayed at the Blue Mountain Resort in Collingwood. It was nice to get away for a night, and go in the outdoor, heated pool and hot-tub. Got to the race, a bit late... only 20 minutes before my start. (not really sure how that happened, only one elevator working in the hotel didn't help that). I signed in to find out that I had new numbers issued to me...uggh, as I already had my numbers pinned on. I didn't ride the course, just went to the start line. It was snowing, and really muddy. My son was loving the snow, making snowballs, etc. Not sure what to think on the start line, started conservatively, as I didn't know where I was going, saw the riders ahead of me dismounting for the off-camber section and running. I dismounted and followed the riders ahead of me. Got settled in with 2 riders just ahead of me. I was gaining on the riders, then I slid out on a corner just past the start finish. I lost some time there, then I got back on my bike and kept going. I was slowly catching back up to the riders, and passed on of the riders in the running off-camber section. THen the next lap, I caught the next rider and passed her in the same section. With 1 lap to go, I just tried to ride clean and push it on the flat sections. I stayed ahead of those riders, and finished 2nd place in masters women. I was happy with the day, and enjoyed the weekend away.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Toronto UCI races
Arrived for Day 1 - during warmup, I felt good, loved the course...well most of the course... kindof worried if I would be able to ride this one steep climb, as I knew that would make a big difference in the race if I was able to ride it or not. We got called up to the line, not really sure how they decided the call up order. As it was different Saturday, and Sunday?? Didn't really matter with the field size, and I was front row. I was focusing on having a good start, and I did. Clipped in right away, and got the hole-shot. I rode well during the first section of the course, I managed to ride the steep hill I was worried about, riding the off-cambers turns okay, and the run-up...well that felt slow everytime. I settled into 2nd place. I managed to stay with 1st place through the first lap... she opened a small gap on me, which I managed to close up on the road/open grassy sections. I stayed in 2nd place for the next few laps. Coming through the finish line after completing 3 laps, we had the sign indicate 3 or 4 laps to go??!! In my head, I am thinking WTH... we have to go 6 or 7 laps...but then I have to calculate we will probably be lapped by the men, which it is hard to actually calculate in your head when you can barely breath... this usually happens at most of the races though. It just makes it a bit hard to focus when you are hoping not to 'blow-up' and lose a few spots. Anyway the last two laps of my race were good, 3rd place was gaining on me. I felt like I was at my limit, and hoping I didn't make a mistake soon as that would be enough to cost me. On the last lap, although I wasn't sure it was the last lap, I biked into a stake on one of the turns... I had to unclip to get by it. 3rd place passed me, and in trying not to panic... I got going again. I closed up the gap a bit, but was unable to catch her. I finished in 3rd place. I was happy with the race, even with the mistake an the end I felt strong and overall rode well.
On to Sunday's race, I was feeling the race in my legs from Saturday. Pre-rode the course, didn't like it as much as Saturday. 'The downhill chute' was making me nervous, I wanted to pre-ride it... but the ammouncers were calling us to the line, which added more pressure... so I didn't ride it in warmup, and hoped for the best in the race. Not the greatest race strategy though :). Got to the start and called up. We started, I had a good start and got the hold shot again, headed through the first off-camber section and got passed. I was with the lead group for a bit longer, and then kindof messed up a climb--was in too big a gear...and they opened up a gap. I managed to use up a few matches closing that gap. Also we climbed the hill to the down-hill chute, well I rode it fine. Just a bit slower, antoher small gap formed, that I was unable to close. I rode the remaining of the race with another local rider for 4th and 5th position. We were taking turns at the front, pushing the pace at different spots. I knew the climbing was catching up to me, and I had to unclip a few times on one of the turns... 4th place got a bit of a gap and I was forced to chase. I was maintaining the gap coming into the last lap, just before the start of the last lap- I got passed my the top junior racers who were finishing. I ended up finishing a lap down, and didn't have to ride the last lap. A bit of a surprise that I was finished, but glad that I was done. Ended up in 5th place... pretty good effort. Watched some my husband's races he didn't have a great weekend of racing- got crashed in front of on Saturday but finished 13th. Sunday crashed and DNFed... now he has a cold..uughh. Back training this week, and getting ready for this weekend of racing.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Turkey Cross
Friday, October 8, 2010
The Weekend!
Sunday, we headed up to Toronto for the Oktoberfest cyclocross race. I did a lap or so of the course for warm-up, still a but tired from the day before, and there was alot of running on Sunday.... well at least for me there was. After talking with my husband after his race, most of the elite men could ride half of the stuff I had to run....uggh. I made my way to the start line to see a big women's field, unfortunately I should have been there a bit earlier as I was starting near the back. We started, I don't remember much as it was up a big hill... I think I did okay, made up a few spots. Over the barriers, around a crashed rider, for the short climbs, not feeling too great on all the climbs but did okay. I settled in by the end of the first lap. I rode a few laps, with a few riders just ahead of me. I seemed to be riding a few parts, slower than they were, and expended alot of energy to catch up on the run-ups and flat sections. After a few laps, I lost contact with that group, and rode the rest of the race on my own. I started to ride some of the technical sections a bit better by the end, and felt like I was handling my bike a bit better. I ended up 4th in senior women overall. I was happy with the effort, and definitely got a good workout in!!!
This week has been crazy. Two sick kids, a trip to the CF clinic for them. 3 new medications for my son, and one for my daughter. A new schedule of trying to remember when to give the meds, extra masks, etc. My daughters first trip to the dentist, as she managed to chip her two front teeth...after only having them for like 5 months??!! I have been working a bit extra for the past few weeks, as my co-worker is on her honeymoon! But I have my new cross bike now together, and I have got on it 3 times this week. I am starting to love it!! I will have to get some pics of it.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Rochester UCI Race by Full Moon Vista
We packed up the minivan and headed down to Ellison Park, this was a great venue. Although we spent most of the time not racing at the playground with the kids. I did manage to watch some of the men's race which was great.
A bit of an early wake-up for me - 4:30am start courtsey of a teething toddler. That wasn't a huge deal, and nothing an xl timmy's coffee couldn't help. Got to the park, biked over to registration went to un-clip and had some problems with one of my pedals... I figured out the cleat was loose. I just left my shoe on the pedal with my bike and registered with one shoe... Got back to the van, got my cleats tightened and skinsuit ready, and headed over to the course. I didn't get a big warmup in, only 1 lap of the course.... realizing that I need a bit more warmup than that. Went to the start grid, saw two other riders from Team CF, which was great. I was happy to meet some other riders on the team. We got lined up for the start, I had a good start, clipped in right away and in around 10th or so. I took a few bad lines on this one section, but still kept going. I had a good few laps, then I dropped my chain. Not just the 'quick' chain drop, this was the full panic, off the bike, getting your hand greasy putting the chain back on.... got it back on and got past by another rider. I got on my bike and got back into a bit of a rhythm and tried to catch back up, I had caught up a bit and then hit the big descent. I rode the descent okay, then went to 'rail' the corner and the bottom to try and keep in contact with the rider ahead of me. Before I even knew it, I was on the ground.... uggh. Well, I had rolled the front tubular tire. I got up slowly, listened to the fans gasp, pulled out the grass from my tire and put it back on. Trying to decide what to do, as I don't have wheels in the pit or my spare bike going yet, I was feeling a bit sore.... so I swallowed my last bit of pride and kept going. In the back of my mind, I was thinking well I have other people from my team here --I want to finish, and remembering my husband telling me to finish as I would get prize money because it was a UCI race and there wasn't more than 15 riders entered. (as prize money goes 15 deep in a UCI race for women). So I finished the last few laps of the race, figured I needed to get the riding in, and went at a moderate pace as I knew my front tubular wasn't fully glued. I was happy to finish that race... I ended up 12th, as I checked the UCI website today.
Next off was my husband's race, we made it over to watch the last 1/2 of the race. As the few km walk was long with a 4 year old on a bike with training wheels, and a toddler who didn't want to go in the stroller. It was a good race to watch, and I was happy to cheer Nathan on to a 5th place finish!! Very happy for him, to continue to get some UCI points for this season :) He had a solid race and in the running for 3rd place for a while, he hit his knee on the barrier though, and it is pretty swollen today. Continuing with the ice and anti-inflammatories for that, and it should be ready for this weekend.
I am going to our local cross practice tomorrow night, should be a good workout!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sprague Brook Cyclocross
I did a few laps of warmup on the course, I have to get used to finding myway through miles of tape again. Got off to an okay start, missed my pedal a few times. Got in with a small group of women, definitely a tough course to pass people. I settled in around 5th place or so. I got used to the course after a few laps, and started to make up a bit of time on the 2 riders ahead of me. At one point, there was 3 or 4 of us, within 20-30 seconds. I found the technical parts of the course a bit challenging, as I haven't been riding much of that terrain. I ended up in 5th place, a solid effort, and definitely happy to finish race. After last weekend's mechanical.
Got changed after the race, and watched the men's race. Nathan had a good, close race and won. Nice job, definitely always nice to win a race!!
This week has been a busy one, and tomorrow we are heading down to the Full Moon Vista UCI cross race in Rochester. I am feeling a little in over my head, but it should be a fun day anyway!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
It's cyclocross season!!

Well this weekend was the first cyclocross race of the season. It is the local race organized by my husband, with lots of help from myself and other volunteers. This was our 4th year for putting on the race-- More Cowbell, Jump the Cheeseburger. As my husband loves the showcase show 'Trailor Park Boys' the cheeseburger is in reference to that.
This year, the race ran really smooth... the weather was great, and a bit of a new course. The course is fully staked and taped which is an event in its self to get ready, but the crew had it looking great!!
I raced in the women's race, got off to a decent start. Settled in, during the first lap. I was racing well with a small group of riders, one rider was ahead, then we were in the next bunch. On the second lap, a heard a noise that sounded like I skipped a gear, but then it got worse. I look down, and I had torn off my rear derailler....uggh. That was the end of my day, kindof disappointed as I was just getting into the race. But oh well, hopefully the next race goes better.
My husband raced the 1pm race- senior men, and master 1 men. He loves to race on the course that he designed and put together, I don't know how he had the energy after the day?? He ended up riding with another guy in the lead, they both looked very solid, attacking out of the corners, etc,etc. It came down to a sprint, which was really close and you couldn't even tell from watching it...There was a camera-man there, who helped the commissaire come up with the decision of Nathan second place and the other rider won. It had to do with how the line was spray-painted in the grass... too funny. The guys were happy with a solid race and everything.
The other exciting part of the day, was a bakesale to raise money for CF, and also a ' Team CF' kids race. The kids race was great, a good turnout and the kids had fun. The bakesale was held by one of my friends, who is an excellent baker/cook and once you have sampled the food you can't say 'no'. A couple of my other friends contributed to the bake sale as well. The final numbers are still being worked out, and then the proceeds will be donated to Cystic Fibrosis research. I was touched with all the effort and hard-work that was put into the bakesale.
On a different note, my son started junior kindergarden this year. With the staggered entry, he has only gone twice so far, next week it will be everyday. That has been interesting for me, and I am not so much worried about the school part, more about his digestive enzymes/etc. I am also appreciating each moment, as 40 years ago- children with CF rarely even lived long-enough to go to school. It definitely make me appreciate these moments, and am happy with all the research that has happened with CF, and that will continue to happen.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Muddy...we made it!

I have been busy, but 2 weekends ago I completed the ride out to the Dunnville - mudcat. A few of my friends and I cycled out to Dunnville- took a few pictures with the mudcat, enjoyed an iced coffee then biked home. It was a total of 130km ride, great day, sunny not alot of wind, etc. Earlier this summer, we had tried the ride in some pretty horrible weather conditions-- ie. very windy. We had to turn around after a few hours as we were going to run out of daylight. A few of us were worried going into this ride, which we really shouldn't have been since the regular weekend ride are around 100km or so, some people go longer. But since that first ride left us tired, exhausted, wet, and one girl crashed at the end...we were all a bit weary.
But the second attempt at muddy was great. A new route, great weather, and everyone riding well. Nice to get a good long ride in, enjoy an iced coffee, and have fun with friends... one of the best rides of the summer.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Boxes!
The appointment was good. Some medication changes, and they both were put on antibiotics. Hopefully they will be sounding great again in a few more days.
Well the ontario cyclocross calendar is now posted. I am getting excited for cyclocross. I have a new bike for this season, and I can't wait to try it out. I will post some pics once it is fully built.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Team CF

Monday, July 26, 2010
Road Trip!!!
Upon arriving home, I felt exhausted from the travel, lack of sleep (my daughter cut two teeth) and being out of routine. I was thinking, aren't you supposed to feel rested after vacation? Not more tired?? I think we realized how all the little things are harder not in your own place, stopping at hotels, staying with family (doing the kids therapy in the hotel/others houses, after a long day in the car, or just a long day, not getting a full nights sleep, etc). Eventhough going away is hard, I still really enjoy it. We had lots of fun, and after being home for a few days, I am feeling more rested.
The cycling in New Brunswick is great. It is all rolling hills, with some bigger climbs too. After riding out in NB the hills here seem easier. I did a few bigger rides, 'the hampton loop' - a we call it. Across a short ferry, the a beautiful ride along the river into the town of Hampton. An optional Tim Horton's stop (for coffee- of course) and then continue back where we were staying. There are alot of covered bridges in New Brunswick, which add to the beauty. It was nice to get in some different rides, and scenery.
Overall a good time, but it is always nice to be home!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Club Ride and Beach Day!

Denis Waitley
Well, I haven't raced in the past few weeks, yet I have been to a couple of racing supporting my husband and got in some good training rides. I have done the SCCC club ride the past two Saturdays, and that has been a great workout. I don't get out on the club rides too much anymore, due to scheduling. But they are a solid 80-100km ride, with a few hill climbs and some intestiny throughout. Usually a very good group of riders, who all like to get in a good workout. My friends have nick-named the ride 'smack-down' or 'beat-down' as after the ride, usually you want to eat then go and lay-down for a while/have a nap. Riding in a group, and having that comfort level and trust of the other riders around me --is always a challenge. This past Saturday, I was feeling better and held in with the group at a solid pace in the rain. I plan on continuing with these great rides, and trying to get out for another club ride this weekend.
Race Support -
Lake to Lake Race - when out and cheered for my husband at this great local event. He had a solid finish of 2nd overall on his cross bike! Here is an article that was published on the event and Nathan's efforts.
Racoon Rally - this past weekend, my family headed down to this great event. My husband raced the cross country mountain bike race (on his cross bike)-- and won. A good ride for him, and then we spend the rest of the day at the Allegany state park and enjoyed the beach. The beach was about 700meters from the event start, what a great venue.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hamburg Crit and the Mudcat

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
What is a positive attitude??
We have all heard about having a positive attitude and how that affects our life so significantly. I do try to have a positive attitude about things, yet sometimes I like to be realistic about things as well. In reading some of the recent articles posted in the newspaper about the Great Strides walk, I had alot of different feelings. I have anxiety around having 2 kids with cystic fibrosis--the thoughts, the struggles and wondering about the future. I know we have adapted to the daily therapy routines, the digestive enzymes for the kids, vitamins, chest physiotherapy... and this is when they are healthy. Throw in an extra antibiotic or two..and it is a whole new ball-game.
I know, my family has come a long way -- having my 3 year old remember that he needs digestive enzymes before he eats or drinks something, having my 17 month old grab to put her mask on her face when she is tired (as she sometimes sleeps during her therapy) allows me to enjoy the small gains we have made. I have thought about all the 'what if's' with CF for my daughter, and then when through them all for my son.
Right now, my positive attitude is thinking about all the gains that have been made with cystic fibrosis over the recent years, and how much more will be made in the future. Also thinking about trying to enjoy the moment, and live in the moment. No one knows what the future entails exactly, so there is no point dwelling on it-- I am trying my best today to make sure that the future is a good one!!
Great Strides Walk

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Niagara Classic Road Race

As I was packing up my car early in the morning for my 8:30 start, a stopped got my large tim horton's coffee and headed to the race. I completed my usual race warm-up, legs felt a bit heavy and headed to the start. On the start line, then we all peddled off down Tice Road. I was very nervous at the start, yet stayed at the front of the group, where I wanted to be. We settled into a rhythm, then the base settled down. I placed an attack, and got a good gap off the front. I was wishing someone might bridge up to me, but the group just chased me down. I settled back in, and felt comfortable as we got onto effingham street. I moved up to the front of the group for the climb up saylor's hill. I had a good climb, I wasn't going for the 'queen of the mountain' points, just a good race. Started down Tice Road on lap 2- the fast section, one main group still. Some riders who were dropped on the climb bridge back on. We settled in as a group, and turned onto effingham road. Then as we approached the bottom of the climb, all the riders were trying to move-up before the start of the climb. The rider beside me, got crashed out. She fell onto me, but I managed to push her off me. Then ride into the gravel and grass, back onto the road- and start the climb. Unfortunately, I lost a bit of ground going into the start of the climb. I managed to get on to the back of the pack, but a few smaller groups had formed up front. As we headed down Tice Road, I bridged up to the next group- after a few minutes of solid work. Then I joined into a group of 6 or so riders. We headed up saylor's for the 3rd time... my legs were really feeling the efforts. Then started the last lap, we could see the first group in front of us -- but our group could never close the gap down. I tried to bridge across the gap, but didn't make it. I knew that would have been my big effort, and the race up the hill for the final sprint would be tough. I managed up the last climb, near the back of my group. Overall, pleased with the day - 10th in the category 3/master women's race. And 4th in category 3. I had some good efforts, and with road racing-- the more you race, the more you learn!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Windwarning and 70% chance of thunderstorms...
Barb- finishing Bristol Mountain Road Race
Monday, April 26, 2010
Anyway, so I thought that I would add a few things about cystic fibrosis.
What is cystic fibrosis??
Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and young adults. There is no cure for CF. Cystic fibrosis causes a build-up of thick mucus in the lungs leading to severe respiratory problems. Meanwhile, mucus and protein build-up in the digestive tract results in extreme difficulty in digesting and absorbing adequate nutrients from food.
The most exciting news is that the median age of survival has increased substantially in the last five years. Today, half of all Canadians with cystic fibrosis are expected to live into their 40s
and beyond, making the median age of survival one of the highest reported in the world!
Information courtesy of:
Link to Team CF blog:
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tour of Bronte
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Good Friday Road Race
Monday, March 29, 2010
South Carolina